
The UniClub supports young people with refugee or migration experience on their personal educational path, especially on their way to the Matura. The programme includes learning support in all school subjects, promotion of German language skills and individual educational counselling and is aimed at young people between the ages of 13 and 19. Participation is free of charge.

Offers of the UniClub

  • LernClub: The LernClub offers young people a quiet learning room where workstations, learning materials, computers, Internet and printers are available. Twice a week young people visit the open learning centre and are supported by students in learning and doing their homework.
  • StudyBuddies: As Buddies teachers (in training) of all subjects regularly offer the young people individual learning assistance.
  • Excursions and workshops: All interested young people are offered the opportunity to get to know the university, science and research. They learn about the professional fields of graduates of the University of Vienna, get a taste of the fields of study and experience research for themselves.
  • In cooperation with the Centre for Teacher Education and partners at the University of Vienna, new offers are constantly being developed.